Albertsons Library
Mobile Site |
Are you wondering what this square graphic represents? It's a QR code. Developed in Japan, a QR code (short for "Quick Response" code) is a barcode that contains information that can be read by a mobile device, usually a web-enabled phone with a camera.
The information within a QR code can vary--it can be a phone number, a website link, a link to play a video, a link to map directions, and more.
What do I need?
To decipher the code you need a web-enabled phone with a camera, and a decoding application called a barcode scanner. These scanner apps are freely available for a variety of mobile devices--you can pick a scanner app from this list:
How do I scan this QR code?
After downloading and launching a code scanner application, simply point your device's camera at the QR code and the app will reveal the information in your device by linking you there, usually using your device's web browser. For example, scanning the QR code above will take you to the library's mobile website.
Why should I use it?Scanning a QR code is a quick way to transfer information from online or printed material to your phone without typing it in. You also retain that information in your device for future reference. QR codes make the transmission of data from static to mobile quick and simple.
The Albertsons Library uses QR codes as a simple and fast way for students to access library resources with their mobile devices. You will see a greater number of QR codes throughout the library, in printed materials, and online.
If you want to know more about QR codes, including how to create your own, read our "
What's a QR Code?" guide, or visit us at the reference desk.