
Thousands of new eBook titles

Have you noticed something different when you search for books in WorldCat Local? 

Maybe you’ve stumbled on some of our many newly-available eBooks. Today, we enlarged our lending collection of eBooks dramatically. 

Through the Library, you now have access to the amazing eBooks Library (EBL) academic collection. These books can be found right alongside the traditional printed collection when you search in WorldCat Local, or if you want to find only eBooks, by doing the same search and narrowing the format to "eBook." Click the Read Online button and, in seconds, you can start reading the entire book, wherever you are, any time.

Furthermore, many users can borrow the same book at once, so you won’t find that your book is already checked out to someone else. 

As the Library continues to pioneer projects to support the University's mobile initiative, the eBooks can also be downloaded to many portable devices including laptops, tablets and phones, so you can continue to read where you don’t have Internet access. 

For help, click the direct link http://library.boisestate.edu/link.php?site=EBL, select the link on the WorldCat Local results page or feel free to contact a Librarian. We are excited to offer this expanded collection and enhanced service.

More information is available at http://guides.boisestate.edu/ebooks


Library Closed on July 4th

The Albertsons Library will be closed on Monday, July 4th for Independence Day. However, you can still access our online resources 24/7 through the library's website.

See our summer library hours.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!