
Counseling and Therapy in Video

Counseling and Therapy in Video is an online collection of videos for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. It is possible to find videos about client-counselor relations, brief relational therapy, age and aging, and by therapists such as, Lynn Banez, Norman Kagan, and over 150 others.

The database currently contains more than 276 videos with more than 300 hours of content and new titles will be added over time. Videos can be discovered through a number of different ways including subject, therapy type, theme, and therapist.

They can also be found by type—consultations, counseling sessions, demonstrations, interviews, and lecture/presentations. Counseling and Therapy in Video makes it easy for students and faculty to find and view videos.

With this subscription, Albertsons Library continues its transition to electronic formats. Online access to these videos was made possible by reallocating funds that previously supported print collections. Additional resources can be found in our Psychology subject guide at http://guides.boisestate.edu/psychology .

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