
March is Red Cross Month

In 1943 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed that March was Red Cross Month. Every American President since Roosevelt has kept to that tradition.

The American Red Cross provides disaster relief; collects blood and provides more than 40% of all blood products used in America; provides CPR and first aid certification; gives training for babysitters and lifeguards; and offers support services to military families. To celebrate Red Cross Month, consider donating blood, or volunteering your time. 

Check out some of the Albertsons Library health science resources available at this guide: http://guides.boisestate.edu/health_sciences.  

All students, staff and faculty can access health science databases such as MEDLINE (the largest medical database in the world), CINAHL (our premier nursing and allied health database) and ScienceDirect (the largest scientific database in our collection). Many eBooks are also available, both through the R2 Digital Library and through the WorldCat Local search box on the Library’s homepage (http://library.boisestate.edu).

Come check out our health science resources and celebrate Red Cross Month.

- Terry Madden

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