
Time is on your side with laptop checkouts

Photo by Jen Gallardo
You check out a laptop from the Circulation Desk. You set up a study space on the fourth floor and arrange it just so.  You’re several hours into the essay that will determine your grade in the class that will ultimately determine your academic future and in turn your entire life! When suddenly, you glance at the clock and realize that the laptop was due 30 minutes ago. Panic sets in as “$.50 per minute overdue fine” echoes in your ears.  

This all too familiar scenario happens to students every day, which is why Access Services is happy to announce that starting Summer 2013 we have updated our laptop lending policy. Instead of a 3-hour check-out period, students may now check out a laptop at any time during the day and keep it until 30 minutes before closing, no renewals necessary!   

In addition, the $.50 per minute overdue fine has been eliminated. Students will now operate on a 3-strike system. If a student returns technology items late, 3 times in a single semester, they will lose their technology borrowing privileges until the start of a new semester. These students will still have access to all Library desktop computers, scanning, and printing and will be able to check out all non-technology items, such as books, periodicals, and DVDs. Their ability to borrow materials from OIT operated Labs, such as The Zone will not be affected. 

Some aspects of technology lending will not change. Except for 3-day iPads, technology items are still restricted to in-Library use only.  Also, students will not be able to “park” their materials. If students need to leave the library, they must check-in their items and check them out again when they return. Due to limited supplies, the extended checkout will not apply to certain specific items, such as iPhone 5 chargers, Apple Mag-Safe chargers, and VGA adapter kits.  

It is the Library’s hope that these new policies will better serve our students by providing uninterrupted typing and studying time, while eliminating the stress associated with large fines!

Heather Grevatt,
Access Services

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